In my mind, claiming that one size of socks fits all requires that the socks be tried on all sizes of feet. If any foot size fails the test, then the basic premise of "one size fits all" fails. Seems to be simple enough, right?
So what about those people who insist that one size fits all even though I've tried it and I'm sure it doesn't fit me? Proud of having acquired the "one size" sock, they point at my feet and say, "it fits... you just think it doesn't!" So supposedly, I should believe them and ignore how I feel about the sock, right? In fact, I'm not really believing them... I'm believing the sock producer who made the sock in any size then programmed these people to believe that one sock really does fit all. Bearing into consideration that this claim plays directly into the interest of the sock producer, I have problems believing in their objectivity towards the "one size fits all" premise.
Let's pursue this further... As I said, in order to make sure that a sock fits all sizes, it must be tested on a representative sample of the human race. The question is: how many people would you have to have to test a sock to make sure all foot sizes and shapes are represented in the sample? Seems to me to an impossible sample to create - probably not the approach sock producers follow. The more likely scenario is that they use an elastic material which expands to wrap the exact size of the foot. Brilliant, eh? But then what happens a year later? If my little brother (don't have one actually) tries to wear my elastic sock, it won't fit because over time, it would have lost part of its elasticity to the shape of my own adult foot. It is probably safe to say that no sock can absolutely fit all sizes of feet at any given moment in time. It is probably safe to say that despite the fact that we may wear same sizes of socks, each person has one size which fits them exactly - but we choose to go with a close match to simplify life.
So until a sock has been tried on ALL human feet continuously for a century or so, I will not accept that one size fits all. As far as I am concerned, "one size fits all" is a myth that has not existed anywhere except in the minds of people brainwashed by sock producers. I don't even think sock producers believe it.
Oh, and in case you're concerned with where this blog is going, our next article is NOT about underwear!
Image courtesy of Hippie Shop
mesh 3aref eh lazmet el gomla el akheera deeh, da ana kont lesa haqtar7 3alaik mawdoo3 one size fits all dah f 7agat tanya, bas adeek 2at3at rez2ak b 2edak.
wa ba3dein leih ma yetl3ash el 3aib 3andak, i mean en el gomla momken teb2a sa7 law katabo
"One Size Fits all - except 3amr Rakha - Ya Ahmad"
wa deeh hedaya soghyra keda bemonasbet el sharabat
Well you may be right. But the thing is, by any measure, I (amr rakha) am part of all. Unless, off course, you think I am a guerilla or something!
very interesting analogy, your reasoning was very clear and to the point..
one small problem is "the socks producer is also the foot producer" ya 7omaar, this makes your post irrelevant I think.
If you're not able to respect the rules of the blog, your comments are not welcome. On the main page it says clearly "keep it clean". By insulting me, you only weaken your own case, and those of people like you who have the self-righteousness to claim superiority over others but do not have the decency to respect other people's humanity.
1)emta 7atbatal tare2et "khodohom belsoot" , I think my reply was clean and I had a point that you couldnt reply to.
2)You know very well that "ya 7omaaar" is your words, I just borrowed it, and it it is not an insult.
3)this is a joke !!! you wrote a whole article full of criticism, and now you are angry because I criticized your article in few lines!!
قال لزوجه : اسكتي .
وقال لابنه : انكتم .
صوتكما يجعلني مشوش التفكير .
لا تنبسا بكلمة أريد أن أكتب عن حرية التعبير
Criticize all you want. As you can see, Tamer at the top criticized as well. There was no problem there.
My words? Please read through the entire blog - I don't remember ever insulting anyone on this blog and thus I expect to be addressed with due respect. Let me explain to you something which you're trying to avoid: you're simply wrong - you can't just insult people and find justifications for that. You're evading the issue instead of being a big man and just apologizing.
Now regarding your point, I disagree completely. You made an assumption regarding who I meant by the sock producer. I am not responsible for your assumptions.
Now I will give you a small intellectual exercise (and to others who read the blog). Who do you think the sock producers refer to? (please think well before answering)
Again not true, Tamer satisfied your ego by externalizing you from "ALL", he didn't criticize, his comment "One Size Fits all - except 3amr Rakha - Ya Ahmad" supports what you say that there is no one size fits all
Back to the insult issue, these are your words, even in the way you say them, "7omaaar" bemad elalef.. your words in real life ya beh..enta bass elly betegy fe elhayfa we tetsadar..
and to answer you, I didn't assume anything , YOU tagged your article "faith,Religion".
describing your question as "intellectual" made me laugh .. "heeeh ana zaky.. meen 7aygaweb so2ally el3abkary we yaktashef elloghz elkhafy we elma3na eldafeen fe elblog beta3y".
you welcome, this time I will satisfy your ego (ymken tebatal?), your socks producer is one of these:
1- Islam itself : I cannot neglect this assumption and I don't have to remind you that you mentioned before that Islam might not be "the solution" for you.
2- Muslim brotherhood, I don't remember them claiming that they understanding of Islam is an obligation to any one else they just offer it and it is up to you to agree or disagree.. it is even the other way around, according to them, they welcome others to present their understanding (dah law elbasha sama7)--> here is an intellectual exercise for you , who is the basha? tab3an eftakart enta!!
3-your own illusion of a hypothetical religious entity trying to wash your brain... we dah yeb2a ma3nah enak salemt wedanak le iza3et elnezam.
Getting down to the issues is nice. Let's treat them one by one:
1. Regarding the insult, I stated clearly that this is the rule of the BLOG. Think about it: would something I would tell you in the private equate to something published on the internet? Better yet, if I am insulant does this give you the right to be insulant? The real question is: why is it so hard to say that you were wrong? :D
2. Regarding the article: there are several important issues here
a. The analogy is indeed to religion and I made no secret of this using the tags.
b. It is amusing that you have 3 answers instead of one (obviously it is an intellecual question - there is really only one answer) It's even more amusing your choice of answers.
The concept behind the article is simple enough: one size does not fit all. This is even true within Islam, where room for interpretation based on "Orf" - defined as factors related to time and place - is allowed. I think that this is fairly straightforward.
But don't you see what happened?
If I belonged to the Muslim Brotherhood, the article could be considered an attack on Salafi muslims. If I were Christian, the article could have been considered an attack on Muslims. If I were athiest, the article would be an attack on creationists.
So what is the basis for deciding who my article is criticizing? Readers themselves. You spoke on behalf of pre-conceived ideas of my beliefs plus your own fears and fanaticism. Others would see things differently.
Having said that, whether you choose to believe so or not, one sock does not fit all - else all humans would have been copies of each other.
Hi karim –
Using “7omaaar or Ya 7omar” automatically makes me defend the writer’s case without reading any further words you wrote. Plus you are not attacking what was written … you are mostly assassinating the writer’s character. I don’t understand. Are you defending Islam by scolding others “betegy fe elhayfa we tetsadar”?
Now, who is the "Socks Producer"?
"Islam", no!
I think "Islam" is not the solution that fits "All". If so, "All" would have easily chosen to be Muslims or God may have made them automatically so. Whether we like it or not- or trying to achieve it or not-, it’s the fact.
"Muslim Brotherhood", no!
I think "Muslim Brotherhood" is not the solution that fits "All" as well. If so, "All" would have bought-in their directions, and "Muslim Brotherhood" would have been embraced by all Islamic countries. This is also not the case whether we like it or not.
I think "Your own illusion" is part of the scolding and insult for the writer. I don’t know how to answer.
I think that "Socks Producers" are those who speak blindly or force people to speak blindly in the name of Islam. This could be "El Do3ah" from different religious entities, each claiming to be fit for "All" – and "claiming" is different than "coercing"- this is applicable to the "Muslim Brotherhood"- they "claim" and do not "coerce".
"Socks Producers" could also be "El Nezam (i.e the Egyptian Government and the Ruling National Democratic Party)" promoting the contradicting religious directions into society to maintain its instability.
I do need to understand one thing though. Did you mean "God" in your first comment “one small problem is "the socks producer is also the foot producer". If not, please explain.
Thank you very much. I am glad someone understood my message.
Socks producers are all proponents of any kind of fanaticsm or single-mindedness in the world. Socks producers are also those who create ways in which our conscience is sedated so that we no longer can see the truth.
Lamma el Kobaar yetkallemo...El so3'aar yesma3o we yet3allemo...
This has been my approach whenever I visit your Blog ya Amr...
But this time I couldn't hold it, I think I'll give it a try and say what goes in my mind.
If God tells me that Islam fits all, and I find it fitting me, and as far as I know about it I can't find something that would lead me to think that it would fit a certain set of people, then I'm 'free' to promote and market the idea that Islam fits all. Actually I'd feel that my belief is incomplete if I don't believe that it does actually fit all.
I'm not forcing everyone to switch to Islam here, I'm just saying that if a marketeer (i.e: da3eya :)) wants to promote Islam by saying that it fits all and provides proper justification, then he's 'free' to do so.
We can't prevent anyone from saying that it does simply because a single pair of socks can never fit all, we can simply debate the fact, respect their right to promote it, and preserve our right to agree or disagree with it.
Dalia: I disagree with you at two points.
1) The fact that Islam didn't dominate the planet is not enough proof that it doesn't fit all, because simply domination is mainly affected by the marketing team :), not the product itself, I understand that usually the marketing team help build the product, but not this time, as the product was there long time before the current marketing team was even born :). So Islam 'might' actually fit all, but because our do3ah attempt to promote it using the wrong messages, Islam doesn't dominate, of course them among other reasons(11 Sep, Muslim Countries do not actually present a very attractive example..etc).
2)Socks Producer (as I see Him) is God, the salesman in the shop is the da3eya. I can't visualize it in any different way, at least not in Islam.
However, at the end, I always felt that there are certain directions that would better fit certain people, ya3ni fi naas ba7es enno 7atta law makansh i7'wan, kan el mafrood yeb2a i7'wan, same with Salaf, and same with several other directions, ya3ni mesh kol el nas lazem teb2a tablee3' we da3wa zayee :P.
Thank you so much for your intelligent submission.
I have a few comments...
Who is the sock producer? This really depends on what I (Amr Rakha) meant by the analogy. The article is not a discussion of God, it's a discussion of people. Sock producers are people who claim to speak in the name of divinity.
Your "marketing" analogy is very interesting. It's personally interesting for me because this is what I thought for the longest time. There is a product, which is perfect, but then there is this marketing team who can't sell it. The product, indeed, has nothing to do with the marketeers. All this makes sense.
Then I realized something one day (I must stress that this is not a discussion of the viability of Islam): The product cannot be separated from the marketeer. What is religion? Religion is faith, something divine, that involves human interpretation - hence the sock producers. But sock producers are also sock users - and hence a natural conflict of interest that cannot be solved with superior knowledge. Where does this leave us? Religion is subjective and this subjectivity is based on - well - humans!
So if the "religion" system is made up partially of people, then the defect is not only on the marketing team but also the product itself within the scope of defect of humans.
The quesiton then remains: how can religion be divine and at the same time defective? (this is a quesiton for creationists like myself). In my mind (in my mind only - no where else), I believe that there are two facets to religion. Religion is what binds us to God - on His end, it's perfect, on ours, it's not - else it wouldn't stick to our own imperfection (think of trying to glue a piece of wood on glass - would that really stick?). Following this analogy further, I can understand how humans can have different perspectives of the same facet of faith, while it all pours into one facet on God's side. What we see in our perspective defines our framework - and we should indeed act on it (like you say you should convince others of Islam - that is part of the perspective you see and should follow). So why does one size not fit all? Because there is probably a difference between total divine will and what God chooses to expose to us.
The bottom line is: who said that it was meant that one size fits all? Perhaps it was meant for you to believe that, but it does not mean that it was meant for it to be true.
Ok I'm getting a bit dizzy here so this is where I stop :)
Maho 3ashan keda el so3'aar lazem yesma3o we yet3alemo :)
First time to participate and this is how you comment on my participation? Reading your comments made me feel like a student in the first year at college attending a lecture for 4th year students we men nossaha kamaan :)
No seriously, I got your point, but still I find nothing wrong in claiming that it does fit all, we can't shut them up no matter how much we disagree with them.
And when I said that God was the socks producer, I said that because I remember several phrases at Qur'an (which frankly I wouldn't dare quote) that state that Islam actually fits all, but now I understand that this is not what you meant.
At the end again different people may feel they fit in different directions, yet everyone is free to claim that his direction fits all, fares le fares wel midan wase3 :).
Amr, Dalia,
1- if you are insultant takes away your right to blame others to be insultants.
for the last time, I just borrowed the word from Amr, he should get what I meant, if everybody is pushing for an apology I can do like the Pope and apologies for the unexpected impact of my words..hehehe.
2- Again why you find it so easy to criticize others while you dont accept any kind of criticism!!!!
3- It is a pity that you think I am defending Islam, I dont think islam needs to be defended in front of Muslims (of course I dont know if you are muslim or not, but my comment was directed to Amr)
4- The question was raised by Amr, who is still welhamdolelah among us (elshawan hena fe israel we ne2dar ne3raf meno elly e7na 3ayzeeno). my comment is based on my personal relation with amr, I claime I know what he means exactly.... Islam
5- Dalia you said : Islam is not the solution that fits All. If so, All would have easily chosen to be Muslims or God may have made them automatically so."
if God wanted all of us to be muslim he could have done it easily, He is the creator remember?, or may be he could have shown us himself? dont you think that everybody will believe if this happened?
so why didnt God create us all as muslims? that is a very old question, several correct answers :
- this life is a test, how can you differentiate (with a proof) the good from the bad without a test?
- without the bad? how can you see the good?..
- I dont know if you have children or not, let us assume you have a small baby, would you like him to hug and kiss you on his own or is it better to force him?
- if god didnt give man the choice, man would have complained of not having a "free will" right?
Now ,back to the subject.
In the old times, and before scholars start any debate they used to create a "glossary" of terms to be used, otherwise the discussion can go into circles as everybody mis interprets what others say (I guess anyone can misinterpret what Amr/Dalia say about islam).
Here is a start
1- God: the creator (any doubts here?)
2- Islam: is the Islam religion as God wanted it to be.
3- Muslim brotherhood, Salafy, shee3a, sofy ... etc: different schools providing different interpretations of Islam and different prioritizations of its rules.
4- US: poor guys who dont have time/skills to read and interpret Quran ourselves.
Q) Is Islam really the solution?
A) yes.. here is the proof:
-God created us
-God is almight, man is not
-God knows man better than man knows himself
-God says "en eldien 3end allah elislam"
any objections?
Q) Muslim Brotherhood slogan says "Islam is the solution", does this mean that their understanding of Islam is the correct/perfect one?
A) no.. it just means they will try to follow Islam according to their own understanding
Q)Do we have to follow one of the above schools?
A) No
Q)Does it prove you are good peson if you follow any of them?
A) No, and it doesnot prove you are bad either.
Q)what should we do?
1)Criticize all schools and accuse them for not having a definite set of rules?
2)Ask all schools to shut up as they don't provide the correct/perfect understanding of Islam? (this is what you (Amr) are doing)
3)read Quran and try understand it yourself
4)read all interpretation and choose the one that you think/feel is correct?
A) choose answer(3) if you have enough time but dont forget to read other interpretations as well.
if you dont have time/skills to do this yourself then I suggest answer (4)
Now Amr, instead of just crying and yelling that you dont find socks fitting your feet, can you tell what do you find wrong about the socks being marketed now? I think we need more details.. yemken ala2elak fe elma7al elly ta7tena
While I was thinking abut it I found it so funny!!!
Why do we need socks any how? I think people invented socks for very contextual reasons ... things related to environmental concerns (weather, specific kind of land, etc . ) or custom and traditional reasons ( that’s not related to any rational reasons, rather just symbolic reasons , for example u were specific clothes in school , cos the school wants to ensure specific image and identity , or when u were ur nice socks that fit the suit u r wearing before an HR interview !! as not to be accused for unfamiliar appearance !!)
It will be silly to ask someone in Alaska to take his socks off!!! it will be so funny to advertise ( one size fits all) slogan in the savanna area , where people walk there mostly naked .. ya and guess why they don’t wear clothes ( not only socks ) : BRAVO : cos its hot !!!
Hence, socks are not absolute choice ... we wear socks to adapt to nature , or to follow some social constructs ( traditions ) .
its very funny joke when some one tell me : every one is born with socks in his feet (مولود على الفطرة ) ... so funny isn’t it
but it can be so hilarious than this way when :
priest X assumes every one is born with the green socks
and priest Y assumes every one is born with the red socks
then priests from X and Y start a debate to discuss if babies are born with the red or green socks
and after the debate … they start a sacred fight … to prove the color of the socks
its funny !!!
its also beyond … one size fits all !!!
Thanks Amr
as usual ... some spelling ( and funny ) mistakes :
for example u WEAR specific clothes in school , cos the school wants to ensure specific image and identity , or when u WEAR ur nice socks that fit the suit u r
Interesting discussion! I however, have to say that when I read the socks article, all I could think of is Socks. My brother and I usually fight for socks, he wears size 44 and I wear 39, yet we still get confused about whose socks is this. Why? Because we both bought one size sock and now we end up confused about ownership. I would think that the we can differentiate that through the smell, but alas. The washing powder is so strong that it removes any traces of the smell. It leaves the socks always smell so vivid and clean. So the secret is I guess is in the washing powder. Trace the source to that and we will get to know why we are all annoyed from this one socks fit syndrome.
Are you trying to say that God is Muslim and his religion is Islam?
please correct me if i misunderstand your line of thought.
Karim… Karim… Karim,
First, I want to close up this topic of insulting. Simply put: this is the rule of the blog… can you please just comply? I am not upset about it, but I do want to prove that people can discuss things without being jerks.
I hope this is the last comment about this subject so that we can focus on the real issues.
Back to the blog subject…
1. There is a difference between criticism and being sarcastic. I think that what Dalia means that while it’s ok to say that I am deluded (I am not sure how you came up with THAT conclusion), it’s not ok to be sarcastic and say that I was flaunting my intellect.
2. I am very curious about what brought Islam to the table on this blog? Did I mention Islam? Is it because I am Muslim? So we would not be having this discussion if I wasn’t? The fact that I believe that there is no clear solution is an attack on Islam?
Karim, again (why do I feel I keep repeating myself)… there isn’t a single clear solution, even within Islam. Is there one faction of Islam that’s right and others wrong? Are Sunnis wrong and Shiites right? The other way around? Salafis? Ekhwan? Who the hell knows. My personal opinion is that everyone is right and everyone is wrong. Everyone is right as long as they are pursuing their own lives, including even marketing to others as Mostafa puts it. But then everyone is wrong to think the world HAS to be a certain way. Why? Because it isn’t! It never was, and never will be – at least not in the our lifetimes. That’s the bottom line. If you can live with this fact and still insist that your sock fits all, be my guest – I have no problems with that. But allow me the freedom to believe that it was not meant to be this way.
3. The reasons you stated for why God did not make us all Muslim are not convincing to me personally. Instead of getting on your high horse and burning the keyboard with the heat of your typing while thinking of a reply to my words, take a moment to think. I have a few questions for you: Why would God make the test easy for some people and hard for others? Do you claim to have a free-will by choosing Islam? Did you read into all faiths and religions before choosing Islam out of free will? If you did, do you claim that the masses of Muslims do the same? Can you honestly say that most Muslims have any kind of free will? You were born a Muslim… so you believe that you would have found your way if you weren’t born a Muslim? How come this revelation did not come to billions of humans? Was there really any choice for most humans? What does it take to have choice? In my mind, it’s knowledge, the mind to think and analyze, the courage to make a decision. Do you claim that most humans have all of this?
4. With regards to Islam being the only choice, yes I have an objection. This message was delivered to you. You understood it. You acted on it. You became Muslim. If the message is not delivered to others or was distorted, do they have that choice to begin with? How can the only choice be so unattainable for so many humans? I settled a long time ago on the right choice being part of the set of choices you’re given – simple enough logic, right? How does this contradict with the verses of the Quran? It doesn’t, because these verses are for you to believe in and to act on, including marketing it. But if you don’t, then others have choices do, as the Quran says in so many verses… this is my understanding, for instance, of verse 62 of Al-Baqara.
5. I never mentioned anything about your precious Muslim Brotherhood. But let me make this very clear: the Muslim Brotherhood is not a religious organization no matter what they say; they’re a political organization. They do not represent a branch of faith but rather a political manifestation of their understanding of faith. Your continuous defense of them is amusing seeing as you’re the only one talking about them
6. I don’t feel I have to explain what I find wrong with Islam. I don’t have to explain what I find right with Islam either. My personal faith, my sock, is not on the table for discussion here. I do not believe that one religion is made for everyone, period. That’s it. What’s made for me is made for me and is not the subject of this discussion. I am making a simple claim: one size does not fit all. Setting my belief aside, this is a conclusion one can reach by observation of the world and talking to people and reading history. Since you believe so much that one size fits all, please explain to me the following:
1. How can people whose only understanding of Islam is that it’s a religion of blood and war become Muslims?
2. How can you explain that differences between different factions of Muslims have reached the point of war like in Iraq? If you will claim that Shiites are not Muslims then I will beg to differ according to the opinion of your esteemed sheikhs who have banded Sunnis, Shiites, along with some other factions as “unified in belief” – check the declaration of the International Union for Muslim Scholars. How can we be the same and different, one and many, at the same time?
3. Why wasn’t everyone born with equal access to Islam – I won’t even ask why we are not all born Muslims?
4. How can God, in all his justice, condemn someone who’s lived a good life and been good to others just because he/she is not a Muslim?
Just a few questions… I have more for you if you want!
For those of you who don't know, this is my friend Yaqeen. I thought it was necessary to explain this to place his comments in perspective.
I don't know what to say - you're on my exact wavelength. The priests fighting on the color of socks says it all. And the thing is, priests fight and people go one wearing the same socks they were born with. The fact is, statistically, if you're born with a red sock on you will cling to red socks for the rest of your life. What the use of all the discussion about colors and sizes of socks anyway?
The real question is this: is the objective of man to find a sock that fits his size, or to conform his foot an existing sock?
If you choose 1, then you've made your life easy and simple (Good for you). If you choose 2, then you're in for a tough ride, but at the end of that ride, you will have added something to the wealth of human socks!
Firstly, I'd like you to follow the comments from the top. Does this remind you of a discussion you and I had when I first started this blog? Well I believe you were right about removing censorship, the fact is that some people just don't get it :)
I won't speak on karim's behalf, but if I understand him correctly, he's saying that God's religion is Islam - but not necessarily that God is Muslim (because God wouldn't follow the religion of people).
Karim - correct me if I am wrong here!
Haal - what do you think?
Amazing ... Haal
but is it a deterministic choice between either to have dirty socks , or to use a washing powder to get our socks clean ( and sacrifice the purity of our socks that will lead us to know our real socks )
or do we have just to ignore all about our socks ?
Ya 7'abar, ... howa el mawdoo3 7emy kedaleih? Why do people feel that threatened when any doubt is cast on their system of beliefs? It's the most natural of things, this life we live is based on the differences between people, groups, sects, nations, etc. in characteristics, thoughts and beliefs.
I will not join the fray :) but allow me to suggest that the same issue can be projected on politics, law, ethics, and even art.
It's the dilemma since before Socrates: are there absolute right and wrong, beauty and ugliness, or are they completely objective?
And if there are, can we ever reveal them? Or are we destined to an eternal struggle to define and interpret them? Are the conflicts in views and beliefs the tool for humanity to reveal them?
I'm only certain that I don't know for sure ;)
3al 3omoom ana aslan kont gai amassy wamshy :)
haal/ Amr
this was not my line, it is a verse in Quran!! you can go and look for the explanation or try to understand it yourself.
insulting topic... closed
I think one important rule in an honest debate is to answer all questions you have been asked.. not just select the ones you like.. I will try to answer yours
1) Please don’t put words in my mouth; I didn’t ever say you are deluded; I don’t have the right to do so..What I am saying is:
a- you don’t discuss the core of any belief of any one or any party , you just criticizing their marketing campaigns.. Please choose a real core topic and let us know why you don’t like it.
b- You think everybody wants to brainwash you!!
c- You blame others for not answering all of your questions ..No body has all the answers .. Please try to answer them yourself.. web2a 2olena yemken nastafeed
2)what brought Islam is that you tagged your article "religion" !!! If you weren’t a muslim the discussion would have started differently I guess, we would have discussed Quran as the message of god or not, or do you think we should discuss it also?
Not seeing the sun doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.. there is indeed one clear sock that fits all .. this doesn’t mean you have to squeeze your feet if you have got a giant one, it just means that the sock is flexible enough..
there are also thousands of other fake socks.. you should do like Cinderella and try them all, don’t stand still and say you all don’t have my size.
why do you care who is wrong and who is right. this will not solve or answer your question.. find the solution yourself.. I will repeat again. being salafi or sofi or ikhwan doesnot guarantee you are good person.. and not being one of them doesn’t guarantee it either.. this is not a deficiency in any of these groups.. it is just REAL LIFE!!
In the early days of islam there were "monafeqeen", this doesn’t mean that the muslims at this time were corrupt!!
Also "fe ikhtelafahom ra7ma", people have the right to put their own priorities .. if you give 2 of your team the same tasks, they can execute them in different order, according to his/her own criteria’s and priorities.. this doesn’t mean one of them is correct and the other is wrong... as long as they agree about the core..
ya sidi law ma7adesh fehom 3agbak start your own group ma7adesh 7ayz3al.. I have never heard sofis or ikhwan say that the world should all conform to their own understanding in islam!! .. enta gebt elkalam dah menen.. use whatever sock you like.. don’t put a sock at all.. this is your own choice.. "la tazro wazera wezr okhra"
3)you are doing the same thing again.. okay you are not convinced with my reasons.. can you please put some effort and try answering the question yourself.. may be you convince me..
I will try to ask your question according to my own understanding. my own understanding. my own understanding . this was not a typing mistake, I just wanted to ensure you don’t think I am forcing my believes or brainwashing you..
Why would God make the test easy for some people and hard for others?
because people themselves are different, think of a very greedy person, how can you test him.. probably you can give him to much money or no money at all, right?, you are also worrying too much about the test itself.. why don’t you worry about the result?!
Do you claim to have a free-will by choosing Islam?
I can only claim that I had the free-will to choose islam according to a) my understating b) the resources that are available to me .. and I think God is fair enough and his judgment will based upon these two factors but only in case you did your best to read and know more about others..
Did you read into all faiths and religions before choosing Islam out of free will?
not ALL but I read as much I can. up till now the philosophy of life in islam is by far more convincing to me than anywhere else..
If you did, do you claim that the masses of Muslims do the same?
I am not in a situation to speak in behalf of all muslims!! before caring about guiding others you should find your way first ..wala eh?
Can you honestly say that most Muslims have any kind of free will?
of course, deep inside you, can anyone force you to change what you think!!! zalek ad3af eliman!!!!!!
if you are asking about "actions" not "beliefs" then I am glad to tell you that you get hasant if some one forced you to do anything you don’t want to do.
so you believe that you would have found your way if you weren’t born a Muslim?
again I think God is fair enough to judge you according to the resources that were available to you..
How come this revelation did not come to billions of humans?
this is part the test, imagine two friends are walking in a desert, it is very hot and they are thirsty to death. one of them finds a cold bottle of water, he didn’t tell about it and kept it for himself.. what do you think of him?
this is the same.. people who never had the chance to know islam will be judged according to their knowledge..
at the end it is all about "spending effort" to seek the truth.. it doesn’t matter if you reach it or not
Was there really any choice for most humans?
Choice to believe --> yes
choice to act --> no
In my mind, it’s knowledge, the mind to think and analyze, the courage to make a decision. Do you claim that most humans have all of this?
same, everyone is judged according the resources that was available to him.. if you think you have excess of mind then your passing score is 120%.. and you have to share your thoughts with others who have shortage in analysis skills..
4)The only solution is attainable for everybody.. it just has a different form , depending on the time and place
Time: e.g. during Jesus time the solution was named "the bible".. in Moses time it was the torah
Place: in a small tribe very deep in africa the solution is named XXXX
this single solution we call islam, and this is why quran described other prophets as muslims, hope this answers the first question about "eldeen 3ind allah elislam", it is the concept of islam not the people understanding of islam..
5)wrong.. politics is one branch of islam, yo can not take this away!
you said: "They do not represent a branch of faith but rather a political manifestation of their understanding of faith." , is this a problem?, do you think political activities is sin and contradicts with islam? and elseyasa 7aram we kol elseyasyeen kafara?!
6)again you are only attacking other ppl thoughts but yours are untouchable!!!
a)How can people whose only understanding of Islam is that it’s a religion of blood and war become Muslims?
- it depends who is attacking and who is defending himself, to be muslim is different from just saying I am a muslim.
- you cannot blame anyone for defending himself, please please please try to spend one minute criticizing the murderer instead of the victim
b)you are making simple things difficult by always blaming islam for this.. islam as concept is correct but some implementations just didn’t get it right,
It is a fetna, it should encourage you to read more and decide on your own.
c) Why wasn’t everyone born with equal access to Islam – I won’t even ask why we are not all born Muslims?
answered before. let me know what YOU think
d)How can God, in all his justice, condemn someone who’s lived a good life and been good to others just because he/she is not a Muslim?
The keywords here are "been good to others".
let me ask you who are these others? humans only? or can we also include animals? probably you will say we animals are also included..
what about nature, water, trees .. etc? let us include them also..
it will be a pity if you include them and you don’t include the creator of all... not believing in god is an insult and god has the right to be angry of it.. you made lots of noise because I borrowed your word "7omar", you felt insulted!!! don’t you think it is bad and insult for god if you do asa creature don’t accept him?
But.. (will repeat again) if this person didn’t know about Islam and didn’t come across it, you cannot blame him.. and you can read my answers above..
so what is the concern now? Socks, or feet, washing powder, those who buy socks, those who sell them, those who market them or those who creates it? Did anyone bother about how those who buy, sell, market,...etc, encounter to be doing what they are doing? how did they reach their journey towards socks was/was not?
A late comment
I have a bleak answer. Personal gain motivates most human actions. Producers/sellers of socks stand to gain alot: money, exposure, penetration, etc... I am sure building their careers took time and effort, and for that they must be respected. But it's like building my own career in consulting: I do it because it's good for me.
Does that make sense?
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