Monday, June 26, 2006

The Rest of the Gang

Although not a distinct submission to the Exhibition, this expansion on the "Managing Gawab" theme was a necessary addition to the current collection:

Getting more interesting by the minute!

And the Entries Keep Pouring In

Seems like I've opened up Pandora's Box! More and more entries to the "Amr in the Eyes of Others" Exhibition. What is most interesting about these entries is the stark contrast between the perceptions, evidence of a long-suspected multiple personality disorder residing within the psyche of Amr Rakha.

The latest entries are quite contrasting, so I decided to exhibit them side by side:

On the top is another entry by Mr. Yaqeen Husam, who postulates a resemblance between Amr Rakha and Zakaria Moussaoui, convicted 9/11 terrorist. I am not sure if I agree with the physical resemblance, but the metaphorical insinuation is outrageous. To the bottom stands the contrast to Mr. Husam's atrocious submission, Mrs. Nesrine Samara's depiction of Amr. The teddy bear rendering, also in Word Art, is more towards Amr's true nature (or so he likes to think).
Keep them coming!

Addendum to the "Amr in the Eyes of Others" Exhibition

On basis of popular demand, I am now entertaining the request of other amateur artists who would like to participate in the exhibition with late entries. If you would like to participate, please send to The pre-requisite is that you must already know me - in any sense of the word.

This is the latest entry, submitted by Mr. Kareem Nasser, one of Amr Rakha's long-time friends. Currently residing in Belgium, Mr. Nasser's memories of Amr are well exhibited by his chosen artistic representation:
Send your submissions today!

Saturday, June 24, 2006

The First International "Amr in the Eyes of Others" Gallery - June 2006

I am proud to announce the first "Amr in the Eyes of Others" Picture Gallery. I am intrigued by the fact that I have provided interesting material for amateur artists of different schools to depict me. The purpose of this exhibition is not to commemorate me, but to applaud the efforts of the many who have attempted to poke fun at me using art as their weapon.
Here We Go!

Amr and the Freemasons

This depiction of Amr Rakha, circa 2000, attempts to address the possibility of my being part of some freemason order (because I say so much nonesense) by revealing my freemason ID card.

The Circles

A recurring theme in Amr Rakha art, this 2000 Microsoft-Word art rendering of Amr Rakha focuses on the circular aspects of his physique.

Rounded Slopes

This 2005 caricature by amateur comic artist Mohamed Mohie focuses on frontal upper-abdominal curvatures, which were (and somewhat still remain) one of the most prominent aspects of Amr Rakha's physique.

Amr in the Eyes of Expressions

Developed in Micrsoft Word Art by Expressions' Art team, this depiction of Amr Rakha is tell-tale of the management style applied in his own company, Expressions.

Experimental Photography

This 2006 photograph taken by Mr. Yaqeen Husam, one of Amr Rakha's close friends, depicts what Mr. Husam finds most interesting about Amr Rakha's character.

Managing Gawab

This most recent 2006 depiction captured by Mr. Ibrahim Khalil, staff member working under Amr Rakha's management at Gawab, provides a contrast to the previous rendering of Expressions' staff, tell-tale of a varied management style applied at Gawab.

Remains only one hand-drawn portrait to be added to the collection, but this is more or less it! Please vote for the one you like the most and tell me if you agree with my perception of others' perceptions!

Friday, June 23, 2006

Black is White

Only when all is lost
When nothing else can be lost
Only when we own the pain
That everthing else can be gained

Only when the sun won't rise
Will the sun truly rise and shine
Everything and nothing become one
Only when we cross that line

Let go
Of your Soul
Let go
Of it all

Only when we realize
The true worth of what we seek
Only then do we recognize
The oneness of the pit and peek

Creations made for our lives
Illusions for us to follow
Cannabis to bring us comfort
And promises of a better tomorrow

So have you asked yourself
If you ever had it all
Would you then see the green?
I've asked myself'
And those deluded souls
But that green was never seen

Let go
Of your Soul
Let go
Of it all

Open the iron gates
That imprison your very soul
Don't fear the blood you see
For freedom has its toll

And when the gates are open
Don't fear what lies ahead
For outside the iron gates
Is your soul's deathbed

I beseech you just to linger
For just a little longer
For if you've yet not seen
Your soul's deathbed is green!

Don't run inside again
Let go and you will soar
Nothing is now everything
What you thought was less is more

Let go
Of your soul
Let go
Of it all

Let the fools continue to seek
And expend their last humanity
While you and I my friend
Savor the warmth of reality

For nothing is ever ours
For us to try to own
For when the sherade is over
We go to our beds alone

Let go
Of your soul
Let go
Of it all

Sunday, June 18, 2006

I am Immortal

Kill me… kill me
Never will you still me

Stab me… stab me
Never will you have me

Liberate your soul
With empty words
It's all in all
Nothing but words

Believe yourself
Applaud yourself
Take a bow
And cheer yourself

Your victory
Is in your mind
The crowd that cheers
Is an imagined sound

Look at me straight
If you think you can
Don't shield your eyes
Just look and stare

So you think can
Assassinate me
I die and live

For the likes of me
And the likes of you
And the life we live
Is far from true

Forever you will
Remain in jail
Your mind is a wall
So weep and wail

And while you stay
Tied to earth
I soar and fly
And point in mirth

I am free
And I can fly
And I can soar
And I will soar

Stab me… stab me
Never will you have me

Stab me… stab me
Stab me and free me

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Take a Left at the Next Intersection

You know those times in your life when you come to an intersection?

A major decision that will change your life one way or the other? A marriage, major career move, a decision to travel?

I must admit, I don't like those moments very much, and I must also admit that I am not very good at intersections. This is something I learned about myself a long time ago. It's not that I don't know how to make a decision. SWOT analysis works for everything (well perhaps not that formal, but you know what I mean). I am very rational when it comes to my actions, and in the end I make the optimum decision based on the circumstances.

But I still hate that moment of intersection..

I stand there, not sure whether to take the right turn or left turn. I look for superstitious signs. I tried to enlist the experiences of those who went down similar roads, but in the end, no two roads or experiences are the same. They are at least different simply in the manner in which people themselves are different. I listen to others even though I know I cannot rely on what they tell me quite too much. I seek the advice of people who know me well. I do all this quickly, sum things up, and the decision and its general reprecussions become somewhat clear.

At that point, the thing to do is to take the step in the direction chosen. My body moves, but my heart, soul and mind linger at the intersection for a while longer. As my body, heart, soul and mind re-unite, my steps in the chosen direction become much stronger and surer. But occasionally, I would take a quick glance over my shoulders, just to see if I could a glimpse of the other road. As I walk further down the road, the intersection becomes lost in my memory.

The intersection used to be a burden on my soul until recently. After all, wrenching body from soul is not a nice occurance. I say until recently because I've just learned something in the past few months which has made the intersection a bit easier. I used to think it's impossible to turn back. Off course, the less backwards motion you do, the further ahead you go in life. But just in case you do take a wrong turn (and I've taken a couple), you can bask in the luxury of knowledge that no matter how far ahead up any road, it's never late to turn back.

In fact, not turning back when you know you should is basically betraying yourself, which is sometimes fine because we have obligations which may make turning back impossible. But that's life, a series of trade-offs. But the point is, if you can afford to go back then you definitely should, because there is a "rope and ladder" effect where if you go back to the right intersection, you may actually find a ladder that takes you to the 99 spot in less time and with less effort than the road you where taking. Don't try to second-guess fate, and go with what you feel is right at any given moment in life, no matter what the consequences are.

And, by the way, if you're not sure, take a left at that next intersection :).