Monday, January 09, 2006

A Tribute to A Great Person

You can meet greatness everyday. Sure, greatness does have manifestations - some people are great people in ways that anyone can see... like being a great actor or soccer player. But you CAN see greatness in everyday life as well.

People who know me would find it strange that I meet someone who I may consider a role model (ego speaking here). But this person I am talking about is not a famous writer, not a musician, not a humanitarian. She is a person who is leading a life that is in many ways ordinary, but manages to make it extrordinary in every sense of the word. I have never seen someone in my life who can, at our young age, carry so much psychological weight and still function normally... and not only that - be a source of joy for everyone around her. I don't know how she does it... but I know that people like her are the ones who end up making a real difference in life. I am paying this tribute to this person because personally I have benefited from our friendship - and because I know that there isn't an award out there for such greatness.

Stand up and be recognized...

Thanks for everything, Sherine.


Anonymous said...

Dear Amr :

Your words are so touching.After I read your article , I really wish Shereen all the best and wish her to find someone who can change her life to the better as she does with those who surround her. BUT although the whole article focused on Shereen , I found myself focusing on the one who wrote those so touching words!!!and the main reason for such focus is :your APPRECIATION. I completely agree with you that it is not easy to find such giving person especially at our young age ,but believe me on the other hand It is not easy at all to find someone FIRSTLY to appreciate cause unfortunetly normally most people get used to the good things and gradually the beautiful things they used to recognise no longer pays their attention and consider them daily routine or Ha2 moktasab and others dare to say : " this is what you are supposed to do/say ..3ady y3ny". SECONDLY,If the person is nice enough and is aware of how wonderful the other person is , he does not admit it , so here we come to ADMISSION,RECOGNITION and actually there are 2 kinds of admission : 1)Either he admits this but only behind her back which means to his friends and family (and I assure you this is not a plus) because she is the first person who should know the feedback and effect of her giving.
2)OR he admits this and tell her how she can change his life with a smile or whatever.
So you Amr appreciated , admitted, not only this and announced. So all my respect to you and my appreciation for your appreciation and announcement. It is soo great to give people their right because after all it is Shereen's right to know how her attitude affected you positevely and actually you gave her more by your announcement and publishing those wonderful words for all people to read.

Amr Rakha said...

Dear Anonymous...

I just thought that this act of appreciation and recognition is my way of learning from her how to make others happy. I am proud to say that she is a role model for me on how to deal with life and take everything in stride... and I just hope that I am able to please those around even half as much as she brings pleasure to those around her.